2 Mart 2012 Cuma

Why is art education necessary in the kindergarten ?

I.                   INTRODUCTION
Thesis : There are several reasons such as using colors, learning how to draw a picture, making handworks to be art education necessary in the kindergarten.
II.                BODY PARRAGRAPH 1
Opening sentence : First of all, they use colors.
Detail 1 : Children learn how to use colors.
Detail 2 : They learn types of colors.
Detail 3 : They learn types of paint such as watercolors, pastel.
Ttansition/opening sentence : Secondly, they learn how to draw a picture.
Detail 1 : They draw several things such as animals, shapes.
Detail 2 : They draw its own making things.
Detail 3 : They imitated whatever they see in the books.
Transition/opening sentence : Finally, they make handworks.
Detail 1 : They learn how to use scissors.
Detail 2 : They learn how to cut papers, hand working papers, cardboard.
Detail 3 : They learn how to paste papers.
V.                CONCLUSION
Reconfirmed Thesis : Art education is necessary in the  kindergarten because of using colors, learning how to draw a picture, making hand works.

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